About 1 Every 4 Deaths in America is a Result of Heart Disease. For National Public Health Week – Start with Heart Health!
Sponsored by the American Public Health Association, National Public Health Week is about making sure everyone has access to a long and healthy life. Its mission is to create the healthiest nation in one generation. To do that, Americans will need to tackle heart disease.
When is National Public Health Week
- 2022 – April 5 – April 11
- 2023 – April 3 – April 9
- 2024 – April 1 – April 7
- 2025 – April 7 – April 13
- 2026 – April 6 – April 12
Heart Disease in America
About 1 in every 4 deaths in America result from heart disease, making it the leading cause of death in the U.S. Our rates of death from heart attack are the second largest in the world. Prevention of heart disease starts on an individual basis.
4 Ways to Take Care of Your Heart
Some of the essentials:
1. Enjoying a heart-healthy diet
2. Getting healthy exercise and staying active
3. Keeping an eye on your blood pressure
4. Staying in touch with your doctor
3 Ways to Spread Heart Health at Home
Make healthy habits part of your family DNA by:
1. Being a good example and modeling healthy behaviors
2. Eating together as a family
3. Valuing exercise as a family habit
3 Ways to Share Heart Health in the Workplace
Just 3 of 25 ways to make heart health a shared enterprise, include:
1. Starting a formal or informal walking club
2. Encouraging your organization to join health challenges
3. Holding healthy cookoffs and pot lucks with your team or department
By starting with personal health, and then inviting others to join us, we create healthy families, communities and organizations that expand heart health across a generation.
Going for Zero
Going for Zero™ is a commitment to a world without heart attacks and strokes. Keeping track of your blood pressure, staying fit and taking the Going for Zero Pledge are ways to own your commitment to yourself and your loved ones and becoming an advocate for the American Heart Association are two of many ways to share your commitment with the next healthy generation.