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You can count on accuracy with OMRON devices in your clinical toolkit. Because most of the healing happens at home, you can also feel confident recommending blood pressure monitors, nebulizers and other self-care products that equip patients for lifestyle changes that make a difference.
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OMRON understands the importance of accuracy in a clinical setting and that, oftentimes, a person’s road to a healthier life begins in the doctor’s office. As a medical professional, you need the most precise readings possible to help diagnose, monitor and prescribe the right treatment. That’s why OMRON puts as much care into designing and refining our medical equipment as you do into helping your patients.
OMRON understands the importance of accuracy in a clinical setting and that, oftentimes, a person’s road to a healthier life begins in the doctor’s office. As a medical professional, you need the most precise readings possible to help diagnose, monitor and prescribe the right treatment. That’s why OMRON puts as much care into designing and refining our medical equipment as you do into helping your patients.
VitalSight is designed for hypertension management and developed to foster greater patient-to-physician communication and data sharing to improve treatment engagement and health outcomes.