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Posts by OMRON Healthcare

Pain Management Tips for a Pain Free and Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 8th, 2014 | by

Starting in November through the year-end, many of us are constantly on the go. We’re on our feet while shopping, cooking and going to parties. We’re traveling more and we’re often feeling more stress, which can lower our tolerance for pain. Pain can put a damper on the season and you want to be enjoying time with family and friends, not skipping out on parties or struggling to through the pain. Let us provide you with some basic tips to help you get through the holiday season and reduce the activities that cause pain and how to reduce the likelihood of pain arising from an assortment of daily activities around the holidays.

How to Tackle Chronic Pain Associated with Arthritis

Monday, November 10th, 2014 | by

If you are dealing with arthritis, you know that when left unmanaged, chronic pain associated with arthritis can affect your ability to do what you love. The good news is that because so many Americans are dealing with arthritis and chronic pain, there are numerous solutions, from changes in diet to TENS units, to help you live each day with less pain. Learn how through Food, Diet, Exercise and some alternative therapies you can help drastically reduce your pain and begin to enjoy the activities you love, all over again.

4 Natural, Drug-free Therapies for Pain Management

Monday, October 20th, 2014 | by

While some prescription medications are effective and helpful in pain management, there are a number of reasons you may wish to avoid turning to drugs to get relief. Medications can come with unpleasant side effects, be costly or interact with medicine you may need to take for other conditions. Luckily, there are a lot of great ways you can manage your pain without taking medications. Learn how some alternative therapies can help drastically reduce and even eliminate chronic pain and aches. Everything from Acupuncture, Electrotherapy, Aroma Therapy and more.

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