Change in Hypertension Guidelines Means Millions More Are Now Beginning a Journey to Manage High Blood Pressure

Monday, November 20th, 2017 | by

OMRON Healthcare CEO: “The journey for everyone begins with knowing your blood pressure. Then you can learn how to control it.”

Lake Forest, IL, November 13, 2017 – In response to the American Heart Association’s (AHA) reclassification of hypertension guidelines, OMRON Healthcare reminds Americans of the importance of monitoring your blood pressure regularly, knowing your numbers and taking action to control high blood pressure.

“Today’s AHA announcement means millions more Americans are now considered hypertensive. How can you know if your status has changed? The journey for everyone begins with knowing your blood pressure numbers. That means monitoring it regularly, so you can track changes over time – and acting on your numbers to reduce the health risks that come with hypertension,” said Ranndy Kellogg, president and CEO of OMRON Healthcare.

At its annual Scientific Sessions, the American Heart Association announced a reclassification of high blood pressure. Produced by the AHA and the American College of Cardiology (ACC), the new guidelines define a blood pressure measurement of 130/80 mmHg as the threshold for hypertension. The last official US hypertension guideline was 140/90 mmHg, established by the Joint National Commission (JNC) under the auspices of the NIH in 2003.

Before today’s announcement, the CDC estimated 75 million Americans as hypertensive – with 11.5 million of them not aware[1] of their condition and living with increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Under the new criteria, approximately 103 million Americans will now be categorized as having high blood pressure – that’s 45.6% of Americans (up from 31.9% under the previous criteria). Many of these people are younger than age 45. With the new guidelines, incidence of high blood pressure nearly triples among men age 20 to 44, up to 30 percent from 11 percent. The rate of hypertension in women under 45 nearly doubles to 19 percent from 10 percent.

“The release of the new AHA guidelines on hypertension reminds us of the importance of knowing your numbers, so that you may act on them. Hypertension means increased risk for heart attack and stroke. Knowing your numbers and taking action can prevent a cardiac event – and can even save your life,” said Kellogg.

The new AHA guidelines emphasize the importance of behavior change to control hypertension, and endorses blood pressure measurement at home.

[1] CDC Grand Rounds: A Public Health Approach to Detect and Control Hypertension

“Monitoring your blood pressure regularly is easy with highly accurate devices designed for at-home use. Innovations in personal blood pressure monitors have made them more mobile, more connected and more convenient than ever before,” said Kellogg.

Kellogg noted new blood pressure monitors such as the EVOLV®, a wireless, upper arm model without tubes, connect to your smartphone via the OMRON Connect US app, so data can be stored, tracked and shared with your doctor. OMRON is the number one doctor and pharmacist recommended brand in blood pressure monitors.

“Tracking your blood pressure more often and sharing that data with your doctor means greater patient-to-physician dialogue and more insights for better treatment and better outcomes,” said Kellogg.

OMRON Healthcare has made Going for Zero – the elimination of heart attacks and strokes – its company mission. Kellogg said the company is working toward that mission with a national public education campaign, collaboration with partners and investment in new innovations in OMRON blood pressure monitors, which will be unveiled in 2018.

“There are two ways most people learn they are hypertensive: their condition is revealed by monitoring their blood pressure, or they suffer a cardiac event. Today, as Americans watch the news of the AHA announcement, our message is: Don’t find out the hard way. High blood pressure means higher health risk. You can get a personal blood pressure monitor online or at a local retailer. Know your numbers and see your doctor right away if your numbers fall within the hypertensive range as it’s now defined,” said Kellogg.


About OMRON Healthcare, Inc.

OMRON Healthcare, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and distributor of personal heart health and wellness products. OMRON’s market-leading products include home blood pressure monitors and electrotherapy devices. Since OMRON invented its first blood pressure monitors more than 40 years ago, the company has been passionate about empowering people to take charge of their health at home through precise technology. Helping people improve their ability to live a healthier life is the heart and soul of OMRON’s purpose. The company recently evolved its mission to Going for Zero, the elimination of heart attacks and strokes. For more information, visit


Media contact:

Rachel Winship
MWWPR for OMRON Healthcare
[email protected]

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